WEB EXTRA: More Info on Educator Well-Being
Dr. Bradley Carpenter, associate professor in the Department of Educational leadership, studies well-being among educators and hosts a weekly Zoom meditation session for educators. Here he shares some helpful links for those seeking more information.
“Reframing of Self-Care as Altruistic: An Interruption of Self-Denial”
This UCEA Spotlight article shares Dr. Carpenter’s personal story of realizing he was neglecting his own health, plus recommendations about what the field — and each individual educator — can do about it.
“Confronting COVID: Crisis Leadership, Turbulence, and Self-Care”
This article from Frontiers is authored by Baylor faculty Dr. Angela Urich, Dr. Bradley Carpenter, and Dr. Jon Eckert and address issues of school leadership during the pandemic.
“Principal as Caregiver of All: Responding to Needs of Others and Self”
This policy brief by Dr. Carpenter and colleagues from other universities is based on a UPenn study with which Carpenter was associated.
“Leading Toward Normalcy and Well-being in a Time of Extreme Stress and Crisis”
A book chapter by Dr. Carpenter and student Amy Poerschke was written in the post-Harvey aftermath, and many of the same principles of addressing "a time of extreme stress and crisis" apply to the pandemic. The link should go directly to Chapter 22 on pages 363 - 371.
For more on the weekly online mindfulness gathering, contact Dr. Carpenter:
@Brad_Carpenter on Twitter