Faculty News

September 25, 2017

New Leadership Roles

Dr. Tony Talbert

Dr. Tony Talbert, professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, has become the School’s associate dean for strategic initiatives. His focus is on initiatives that transcend department boundaries or partner with other University units or entities beyond Baylor.

With research interests in social and cultural studies education and qualitative research, Talbert has published more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters and collaboratively obtained more than $2.8 million in funded research.


Dr. Susan K. Johnsen, professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and director of gifted and talented programs, was named interim chair of the department. Johnsen has served as graduate program director for Educational Psychology and associate dean of scholarship and professional development for the School.

A well-respected expert in gifted education, Johnsen has received more than $3.5 million in grants and contracts and authored more than 250 publications. She was the 2014 recipient of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Outstanding Leadership Award.

Dr. Brooke Blevins

Dr. Brooke Blevins, associate professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction and coordinator of the social studies education program, was named associate chair of the department, serving with Dr. Larry Browning.

A respected researcher, she also serves as co-director for the iEngage Summer Civics Institute, for which she and co-founder, Dr. Karon LeCompte, have raised more than $150,000 in grant funding. Blevins also holds several national leadership roles.


Dr. Rishi Sriram, associate professor of higher education and student affairs and graduate program director for the Department of Educational Leadership, was named associate chair of the department, serving with Dr. Robert C. Cloud. Sriram is also faculty steward of Brooks Residential College, a living-learning community of approximately 400 students.

Sriram’s work has been published in respected journals. His research interests include student affairs practice; collaboration between academic and student affairs; and college student retention, engagement, achievement and learning.

Rogers Elected to ATE Board

Dr. Rachelle Rogers

Dr. Rachelle Rogers, clinical assistant professor and mathematics educator, has been elected to serve on the board of directors of the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE). Voted in by the membership nationwide, Rogers will take office in February and serve for three years.

ATE is a leading national organization that publishes the influential journals Action in Teacher Education and The New Educator. As a doctoral student, Rogers won the ATE Distinguished Dissertation Award in 2007. Since then, she has served on numerous committees within the organization.

Hodges Receives Baylor Teaching Award

Dr. Tamara Hodges

Dr. Tamara Hodges, senior lecturer in educational psychology, received the Baylor Outstanding Faculty Award in the area of teaching, one of seven faculty members honored with the annual designation.

“My goal all along has been that if my students are spending hours out of their life, I want them to love coming to my class,” Hodges said. “I want them to laugh, I want them to learn, and I want the standard to be high.”