Annual Update: Student Research

September 13, 2016

Scholarship (publications and presentations) is not solely the domain of the School’s faculty. School of Education graduate students maintain an impressive agenda of scholarly activity, in close collaboration with faculty mentors.

Baylor Graduate School’s annual evaluation of the scholarly production of graduate students has consistently found that School of Education programs are highly productive. In the most recent report from the Graduate School (2014-15), Educational Psychology doctoral students ranked No. 1 in the University for the number of annual student publications per capita and ranked No. 3 for the highest Academic Analytics rankings for 2014.

Graduate Scholarly Activity At A Glance:

Graduate Scholarly Activity At A Glance

Undergraduate Research:

School of Education undergraduates also participate in research, with an Action Research project required of each SOE senior. Teacher-education students conduct Action Research projects within the classrooms where they are teaching, in collaboration with mentor teachers and Baylor faculty.

Undergraduate Research